In Australia we are deep into Late Summer, season of mellow fruitfulness, when nature offers up its abundant produce. It’s a time to enjoy and savour the bounty. The Late Summer season of the Earth Element is represented by the 18 days that are sandwiched between summer and autumn. How appropriate is the word sandwich, evocative of the sights, smells and flavours of food; for the Earth Element is very much about digestion. Northern hemispherical readers will be in the Late Winter, also a period of Earth orientation. (See seasonal dates here.)
Last time I wrote about a treatment pattern for the diaphragm. The feedback was such that I thought to share some other patterns that I use often in clinic. While single points are beneficial, patterns of point combinations are far more powerful. Here we will look at a treatment for the Stomach channel, the yang organ/meridian of the Earth Element, and one which is frequently congested.
This treatment works to encourage the flow of Qi down the body by using some of the most important Stomach acupoints. In doing so, it can address conditions where the Qi is not flowing freely down the channel, and may even be flowing upwards, something known as Rebellious Stomach Qi. This may result in digestive disorders such as nausea, reflux, vomiting, bloating.
A second use of this treatment is for people who spend a lot of time worrying and overthinking. Even a lot of study can produce an excess of Qi in the head. These mental gymnastics are draining of the Earth energies. By drawing this excess away from the head and down the body to the feet, it is as if the worry is digested and metabolised.
A third way this pattern can be useful is for those who are ungrounded. Maybe there is a greater amount of Qi in the upper body than in the lower body. Perhaps the person is not in touch with their legs and feet and there is a sense of not having their feet on the ground. This can be helpful for anyone whose centre of gravity is higher than the navel.
Let’s look at the acupressure points I’ve chosen. This list is not exhaustive, and practitioners can choose other Stomach channel points if it seems Qi is blocked elsewhere.
Qihu ~ Stomach 13 ~ Qi Door
As the name suggests, this is a doorway or opening that allows the Qi to flow down from the head into the body. If this point is blocked, spend plenty of time opening the door.
Tianshu ~ Stomach 25 ~ Heavenly Pivot
A pivotal point indeed, for it marks the midway point between the upper and lower body, between Heaven and Earth. Some authorities regard this as the most useful point for any abdominal condition.
Susanli ~ Stomach 36 ~ Leg Three Miles
This point needs no introduction as it is one of the best known and most versatile points of all. It was the very first blog I wrote back in 2014. Treats any ailments of the Stomach and is very energising and grounding.
Fenglong ~ Stomach 40 ~ Abundant Splendour
Interestingly, this was part of the diaphragm release from last posting. Here it is used in its capacity as the luo-connecting point of Stomach, which balances Qi between it and its partner Spleen. And as a point in the lower leg, it encourages the flow of Qi down to the feet.
Chongyang ~ Stomach 42 ~ Rushing Yang
This is a really important Stomach point. It is both the source point and the exit point of Stomach channel. Source points treat and balance the organ directly, while exit points ensure that Qi moves smoothly out of a channel and into the next in the Qi system, in this case, into Spleen. If this point is blocked, there is a strong chance that Stomach Qi is backing up along the channel and not moving through.
Gongsun ~ Spleen 4 ~ Grandfather Grandson
While this is not a Stomach point, I’ve chosen it in its capacity as the luo-connecting point which balances the yin-yang pair of meridians. It is especially good at drawing excess Qi from Stomach to Spleen. Also, as the master point of the Extraordinary Vessel Chong Mai, it has a powerful influence over all the organs of the abdomen.
OK those are the ingredients. Here is the recipe.
Start on the left side. Hold ST 13 + ST 25 for 2-3 minutes. Then decide which of the points is more reluctant to open and stay with it, while moving the other hand to ST 36. Work down the body in a kind of leapfrog pattern, bringing balance between the pairs. Move next to include ST 36, then ST 40. It is conceivable that if ST 13 didn’t release, that you’d be holding it with all the other points, but that is rare. Finally, finish with ST 42 + SP 4.
Then repeat on the right side of the body. The order may well be different on this side, but again work from upper to lower.
This treatment will take around 30-45 minutes. It can be a stand-alone treatment or it could be incorporated with other work.
This week will be a great time to use this treatment as well as at other times of the year when the seasons are changing, when the Earth Element comes to the fore. However, it will be helpful at any time.